Sunday, March 21, 2010

The Journey Begins: subject FUSING

Well we have started the journey, I decided to try out a technique called fusing. This is basically sticking one metal to another using heat as your only source of sorta glue I guess. What I did was sort through my silver leftovers little bits and pieces then I pounded them flat, then I took a piece of sheet silver 3x2 made sure it was flat, cut all my pieces up into smaller pieces made sure they were flat piled all of the little pieces onto the sheet and used the torch and heated all over , you will start to see the pieces kind of swim into one another the back sheet to now you are fusing , Hurrah! sometimes pieces will fall off hopefully not alot you can always go back and fuse some more, after fusing i cleaned up the metal dried it really good then rolled it thru the rolling mill. After that I decided to use some of my printing plates I had created myself so the metal went thru the mill again using them and then your fusing is done hopefull I didn't leave anything out , try this and if you have any questions please contact me at , now if there is any typing errors , grammar errors, please be nice and accept this as it is I am just sharing an experience with you and maybe encouraging you to try new things so go for it and have fun and please share your treasures with me I would like to see them hey also check out my store at

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